Project Portfolio
Management Platform

Manage all Construction projects & portfolios in one unified cloud-based platform.

Unified Data.   Unified Teams.
image showcasing the construction industry

The construction industry is synonymous with intricate projects and evolving challenges.
To overcome these complexities, PPM Core, a cloud-based project portfolio management platform,
is meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of the construction sector.

Industry Challenges

Project Management and Scheduling

Efficient project management and precise scheduling are the cornerstones of delivering construction projects on time and within budget.

Technological Advancements

Staying at the forefront of technological innovations is imperative for enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, and safety in construction projects.

Funding and Budget Constraints

Juggling limited budgets and public funds is a constant challenge in the construction industry

Cost Overruns

Construction projects frequently face cost overruns due to various factors such as unforeseen conditions and delays.

Investor and Stakeholder Pressure

Increasing demands for transparency, accountability, and sustainability from investors and stakeholders influence decision-making in construction.

PPM Core Benefits

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Centralized Data

Store, manage, and take full control of your project data in a single, centralized location.

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Real-time Tracking

Monitor project progress, identify bottlenecks, and adapt to changing conditions.

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Collaborative Coordination

Facilitate efficient team coordination with instant access to the latest project files.

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Project-based Licensing

Embrace the ‘One Project, One Team’ approach.

image showcasing the construction industry

Industry-Specific Project
Collaboration with PPM Core

Efficient Updates

PPM Core empowers your PMO with effortless progress tracking. Swiftly input vital data, including KPI updates, project card details, and project risk assessments.

New Project Timeline

Empower Project Managers to adapt project phases and milestones in real-time, ensuring project timelines remain responsive to on-site conditions and reflect actual progress.

View MPP and XER Files

PPM Core enables users to easily view MPP and XER files, streamlining project management tasks.

Ensure your next project meets deadlines & prevents overspending.