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The Next Generation PMO:
What to Expect?

An overview with Americo Pinto

Welcome to another installment of the PPM Hub interview series! We’re thrilled to have with us Americo Pinto, the Managing Director of the PMO Global Alliance (PMOGA) at the Project Management Institute (PMI). As the leader of the largest global network of PMOs, Americo is at the forefront of shaping the future of project management.
In this interview, we’ll explore key trends shaping PMOs today, uncover the challenges they must navigate, and identify opportunities for growth. Americo will share his expert perspective on the future of PMOs, the transformative role of digital technology, and strategies for PMOs to drive value and innovation in their organizations.
Join us as we learn from one of the leading experts in the PMO field.

Hi Americo. Could you tell us about your background and your role as Managing Director of PMOGA at PMI?

Americo Pinto
Thank you for inviting me to this interview. I’m honored to participate.
My journey in project management spans over 25 years, during which I’ve had the privilege of wearing many hats—across various countries and cultures—as a project manager, executive, consultant, speaker, professor, and author. This diverse international experience has given me a holistic view of the global project management landscape.
In 2017, I founded the PMO Global Alliance (PMOGA) with the vision of creating a worldwide community for PMO professionals. I’m proud to say it grew to become the largest global community of its kind. Last year, PMOGA was acquired by the Project Management Institute (PMI), which was a significant milestone in our journey.
Now, as the Managing Director of PMOGA at PMI, my role is to continue nurturing and expanding this vibrant global community of PMO professionals. Our goal is to create substantial benefits for PMO professionals and organizations worldwide. It’s about building on the foundation we’ve laid and leveraging PMI’s global reach to amplify our impact.
I’m particularly excited about the opportunity to develop a lasting legacy – one that empowers PMO professionals, fosters innovation in PMO practices, and ultimately contributes to organizational success on a global scale. It’s about shaping the future of PMOs – taking the best of what our community has learned and using it to develop a more effective, efficient, and impactful future for PMOs worldwide.

What inspired you to focus on PMOs and the development of the PMO Global Alliance?

Americo Pinto
My journey into PMOs evolved naturally from my project management experience and 25-year involvement with PMI. Over time, I noticed organizations struggling to align projects with strategic goals. While resources for project managers were plentiful, there was a gap in supporting PMOs.
PMOGA was born from a desire to address this gap, inspired by PMI’s community-driven approach. I envisioned a platform where PMO professionals worldwide could share experiences and learn from each other. It wasn’t just about networking; it was about fostering a global community to drive innovation and excellence in project management.
I saw PMOs as the key to unlocking organizational potential, and PMOGA became a space to collectively explore this, connecting diverse perspectives globally.

From your perspective, what are the most significant trends you are currently seeing in the PMO landscape?

Americo Pinto
While AI is undoubtedly a significant trend in the PMO landscape, the most crucial evolution we’re seeing is the shift towards a Value-Driven Customer-Centric PMO. This approach is set to become the cornerstone of PMI’s approach for PMOs, as evidenced by the upcoming publication of the new PMI Project Management Practice Guide in December 2024.
This customer-centric model represents a fundamental shift in how PMOs operate and deliver value. Instead of focusing solely on internal processes and metrics, PMOs are now orienting themselves around the needs and expectations of their customers. This shift requires PMOs to develop new capabilities and a cultural change, with PMOs becoming facilitators of value creation rather than just enforcers of processes.
While AI and other technologies will play a supporting role in enabling this transformation, the core of this new PMO model is its relentless focus on delivering tangible, customer-centric value. As PMI leads the way with its new PMO Practice Guide, we can expect to see this approach become the new standard for PMOs worldwide, driving a new era of strategic alignment and value creation in PMOs.

How have PMOs evolved over the past few years, particularly in response to the global pandemic and the rise of remote work?

Americo Pinto
The global pandemic and the shift to remote work have catalyzed significant changes in PMO operations and strategies. PMOs have rapidly adapted to digital collaboration tools, enabling effective project management in distributed environments. This digital transformation has not only maintained productivity but also opened new possibilities for global talent acquisition and flexible work arrangements.
Governance models have evolved from rigid control to more flexible, trust-based approaches, balancing oversight with the need for agility in uncertain times. Risk management has expanded, with PMOs developing more robust scenario planning and resilience strategies to address a wider range of potential disruptions.
Overall, PMOs have evolved into more flexible, digitally-savvy, and strategically aligned entities, better equipped to navigate uncertainty and drive organizational success in a rapidly changing business landscape.

What are some of the common challenges that PMOs are facing today, and how can they overcome them?

Americo Pinto
In my experience, PMOs are currently grappling with a range of challenges. One of the most persistent issues is demonstrating tangible value. Many PMOs are still struggling to break free from the perception of being just administrative overhead, instead of the strategic assets they truly are. It’s crucial that we learn to articulate our contributions in terms of real business outcomes.
But you know, I’m optimistic. I believe PMOs can overcome these challenges by shifting their focus towards their customers. It’s about reorienting their entire approach to create and demonstrate value that’s meaningful to the organization and the PMO customers.
First, they need to deeply understand their customers’ needs and expectations. This means engaging in regular dialogue with stakeholders at all levels, from C-suite executives to end-users. By truly listening to their pain points and aspirations, the PMO can align our efforts with what truly matters to them.
PMOs should be adopting customer-centric metrics that directly link their activities to stakeholder value. This shift in measurement can dramatically change how PMO value is perceived.
Importantly, PMOs need to become storytellers. It’s not enough to create value; they need to communicate it effectively. They should be crafting compelling narratives that illustrate how their work is directly contributing to customer success and business outcomes.

What does the term ‘Next Generation PMO’ mean to you? How do you envision PMOs evolving in the next 5-10 years?

Americo Pinto
When considering the ‘Next Generation PMO’, I envision a value generation powerhouse evolving on both strategic and tactical levels.
Strategically, the PMO is becoming an essential partner to its customers, particularly executives. It’s transforming into a trusted advisor that shapes business strategy, with a seat at the executive table. This strategic partnership allows the PMO to align its efforts directly with organizational goals and customer expectations, translating executive vision into value-driven actionable plans.
Tactically, Artificial Intelligence will be crucial for PMOs to maximize value generation. AI will revolutionize PMO operations, from predictive analytics and automated resource allocation to real-time project adjustments. This will enable more informed decision-making, improved resource utilization, and greater value delivery.
In the next 5-10 years, PMOs will likely evolve into ‘Value Orchestration Centers’, blending strategic partnership with AI-driven operational excellence. They’ll continuously align projects with customer needs and business outcomes while optimizing execution through technology.
This evolution will solidify the PMO’s role as a critical driver of business success, generating unprecedented value by connecting organizational capabilities, technological advancements, and customer needs. It’s an exciting future that highlights the PMO’s growing importance in driving organizational success.

In your opinion, what will be the key skills and competencies required for PMO leaders in the next generation?

Americo Pinto
When we think about the next generation of PMO leaders, we need to envision them as value architects, blending a unique set of skills to meet evolving customer needs. I like to frame this in terms of what I call the “PMO Leader’s Value Triangle.”
At one point of this triangle, we have Strategic Acumen. Future PMO leaders must be adept at aligning their services with organizational goals and making value-driven decisions. They’ll need to speak the language of the C-suite and translate strategy into actionable plans.
The second point is a Customer-Centric Mindset. This isn’t just about understanding customer needs; it’s about anticipating them. Leaders will need to cultivate empathy, focus on outcomes over outputs, and remain agile in their approach to service delivery.
The final point is Technological Proficiency. As AI and data analytics become increasingly central to PMO operations, leaders must be comfortable leveraging these tools to drive insights and improve decision-making.
At the heart of this triangle lies Value Creation – the north star for next-gen PMO leaders. By balancing these three competencies, they’ll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of modern business environments and deliver services that truly move the needle for their organizations and customers.

What role do you see PMOs playing in strategic decision-making and organizational governance in the future?

Americo Pinto
In the future, I see PMOs evolving into critical strategic partners, particularly at the executive level. This partnership will reshape the PMO’s role in strategic decision-making and organizational governance.
PMOs will increasingly provide data-driven insights to inform executive choices, leveraging advanced analytics and AI for predictive models and risk assessments. They’ll translate strategic objectives into actionable project portfolios, ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
The partnership between PMOs and executives will be symbiotic. PMOs will provide the insights and execution capabilities to turn strategic visions into reality, while gaining the authority to drive organizational change.
Essentially, the future PMO will become a strategic asset, working closely with executives to shape the organization’s direction, ensure effective execution, and drive sustainable value creation.

Do you foresee changes in the way PMOs measure success? What metrics or KPIs might be most important in the next generation?

Americo Pinto
I definitely see a major shift coming in how PMOs measure success. We’re moving away from the traditional process-focused metrics and towards outcomes that truly showcase the value the PMO brings to its customers and the organization.
In the next generation, PMOs will be all about demonstrating tangible business impacts. They’ll be looking at things like value realization – how much revenue did the PMO help increase? What cost savings did it achieve? These are the kinds of metrics that really resonate with executives.
PMO customer satisfaction will be front and center too. They’ll be regularly checking in with their internal customers to see how well they’re meeting their expectations. It’s not just about delivering projects anymore; it’s about delivering value that PMO customers can see and feel.
Strategic alignment will be crucial. They’ll be constantly evaluating how the project portfolio is contributing to the organization’s big-picture goals.
All these metrics are about showing the real-world impact of what the PMO does. It’s a shift from measuring activities to measuring outcomes. And I think this change will help PMOs really consolidate their place as strategic partners in the organization. They aren’t just managing projects; they’re driving business success. And their metrics will reflect that.

What are some of the best practices you’ve observed in successful PMOs around the world?

Americo Pinto
When I look at successful PMOs worldwide, a few key practices stand out. The most effective PMOs are closely aligning with their key customers, especially at the executive level. They’re not just reporting status but actively engaging in strategic conversations, positioning themselves as trusted partners.
These PMOs are also relentlessly focused on measuring their value to the organization. It’s complex, but they’re developing creative metrics that capture their real impact on business outcomes, going beyond traditional time and budget indicators.
Agility and adaptability are crucial. Top PMOs aren’t tied to a single methodology; they flexibly adjust to changing business needs. They’re also embracing innovation, exploring new technologies like AI and advanced data analytics to improve operations and provide deeper insights.
Lastly, successful PMOs strongly focus on talent development, recognizing that their greatest asset is their people.

As someone leading the world’s largest community of PMO professionals, what is one piece of advice you would give to PMO leaders looking to future-proof their organizations?

Americo Pinto
Become value orchestrators, not just project overseers!
PMOs and the PMO leader’s role are transforming dramatically. To stay relevant and impactful, PMO leaders should develop a deep understanding of their organization’s strategic goals and their customers’ needs. It’s about aligning every PMO initiative and effort with tangible value-oriented outcomes.
Cultivate a diverse skill set within your team. Blend project management expertise with strategic thinking, data analytics, and change management capabilities. Embrace emerging technologies like AI and machine learning, not as threats, but as tools to enhance your decision-making and predictive capabilities.
Most importantly, position your PMO as a strategic partner to the C-suite. Provide the insights and foresight that help shape organizational strategy, not just execute it. Be the bridge that connects high-level vision with on-the-ground reality.
Remember, the future belongs to those who can adapt, innovate, and consistently demonstrate value. By transforming your PMO into a value orchestration center, you’re not just future-proofing your organization – you’re positioning it to thrive in an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment.

Americo Pinto, Managing Director of the PMO Global Alliance
Is one of the preeminent thought leaders in the Project Management Office (PMO) domain, currently serving as the Managing Director of the PMO Global Alliance (PMOGA) at the Project Management Institute (PMI). With a rich professional history spanning over 25 years, Americo has established himself as a global authority in PMOs and project management. His career has seen him excel in various influential roles, including executive, international consultant, speaker, project manager, professor, researcher, and author.

He founded the PMO Global Alliance in 2017, which became the world’s largest global community of PMOs, being acquired by PMI in 2023.
Americo’s contributions to the field have been recognized with the PMI Distinguished Contribution Award, celebrating his global influence on project management practices.
Currently a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Bordeaux, France, Americo also holds a master’s degree in business administration, and several credentials, including PMP, PMO-CP, and PMO-CC.